Re: superimposing the Fielding and TBL architectures

Jonathan Rees writes:

> . . .
> In the Fielding architecture the resource is unconstrained. I can give
> you a bunch of different resources, and then when you challenge me to
> prove that there is a resource with those Fielding-representations, I
> can cook up any story I like, post hoc, and you'd have no way to prove
> me wrong.

Presumably you mean "give you a bunch of different _representations_".

I take it this lack of constraint stems from the Fielding-importance
of the role of the URI owner -- it's up to them (without constraint)
to say what a URI identifies, and what is or is not a representation
of whatever that is.  I think I know where the first as-it-were grant
of discretion comes from, but what about the second?  Can you point me
to the relevant bit of 3986?

> In Tim's architecture the resource is determined, modulo usually we
> probably don't care about, by what the correct retrieval results would
> be. Once those results are determined, there's no choice as to what
> the resource is. Contrariwise, if the server side commits to what the
> resource is, we can hold them to it by checking any
> TBL-representations that they deliver.

Sorry to come late to this party, but maybe I'll count as an
intelligent first-time reader of the Final Report.  Does the above
para. amount to saying that the way the owner of a 200-responding URI
establishes what it TBL-identifies is by his/her choice of what is
served with a 200 in response to GET requests for that URI?

So, for example, serving application/rdf+xml or application/n3 as 200
in response to a GET establishes that the URI involved identifies an
RDF graph?

So to sum up

  * wrt the left-hand (TBL) side of your diagram, the owner's free
    will is expressible only via his/her control of the server,

  * whereas on the right-hand (3986) side, the owner's free will is
    expressible _both_ wrt his/her out-of-band statements about what a
    URI identifies _and_ his/her control of the server.

> Nothing much new here, pretty much what Pat has said in different
> words (although I put less stock in "access" and more in social
> agreement over what would constitute correct access were it to occur).

So this is meant to decouple the 'has TBL:representation' link from
the vagaries of connectivity, and/or time variation?  Doesn't that
render it liable to Wittgenstein's counting paradox?  That is, there
is no guarantee that whatever I may induce about a wa:GenericResource
from some retrieval history wrt some URI will stand up to the results
of the next retrieval.

       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
      10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
                Fax: (44) 131 651-1426, e-mail:
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Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2011 12:20:14 UTC