Re: Candidate message to TAG re httpRange-14 resolution

> On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Pat Hayes <> wrote:
>> Jonathan makes an important claim in the center of his case:
>> "...  because most useful
>>> predicates are either defined only on information resources or
>>> undefined on information resources.  "
>> I wish (and once believed) that this were true, but unfortunately it is
>> not. The most obvious example is simply a date of creation, which can
>> apply both to a material thing (eg a date of birth) and to an
>> information resource (eg a birth certificate.)
>> OK, he does say 'most', but the point is that there are some important
>> ones that this is not true of, and this is enough to rather damage the
>> case for tolerating the ambiguity.
> Completely agree.  I was looking for a way to acknowledge the
> existence of the argument without agreeing with it, and didn't do a
> good job. Shall I just not mention it?

I mean, if someone is going to make ambiguous statements, we can't stop
them. The sensible thing to do here is to encourage people to use less
ambiguous statements with clearer intentions, i.e. a "birthDate" vs
"documentCreation" predicate.

> Jonathan
>> Pat Hayes
>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 8:27 PM, David Booth wrote:
>>>> r because most useful
>>>> predicates are either defined only on information resources or
>>>> undefined on information resources.
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Received on Monday, 31 January 2011 12:52:05 UTC