Re: HTTP method+status code combos and their (http) meaning.

Jonathan Rees wrote:
> This seems related to the distinction I'm trying to draw between "the
> info resource served from a URI" and "the resource to which we mean to
> refer when we use a URI referentially".

The URI you refer to referentially, whether by RDF/N3 statements, or 
some human communication form (in a sentence, typed or spoken for 
instance) is just a name used in context, with temporal validity and 
subject to many understandings. Dereferencing is just the act of 
asking another party (agent) about the name, that could be an HTTP GET 
from an origin server, from a cache, a SPARQL DESCRIBE, an inference 
engine, your mother, it makes no difference really, it's just another 
opinion stated by another agent.

Caveat is that when you do it over the network, it's like chinese 
whispers, so you need some proof or measure of trust that the reply 
you get is from the source you intended to ask, but that's a different 

I've hit that stage where I start to wonder what the httpRange-14 
issue was in the first place, that people wanted to use the same name, 
universally, for all time, without context, to refer to a single 
distinct thing? if so, that's not possible, especially not on a network.

I need reminded of the issue again.



Received on Monday, 24 January 2011 20:59:44 UTC