Re: project outline

Here is our revised project outline, per today's meeting:
Project outline:

- The work product is to be a set of logical predicates
  (classes and properties), expressed in OWL, together with
  explanation and rationale.

- Include a class of 'representations', and the members of
  that class would have properties, such as content, media
  type, language.

- Introduce 'information resource' as something that 'has
  representations' (different ones at different times) and
  pretty much nothing else.  (maybe some 'phlogiston')

- Introduce a term for the relationship (according to HTTP)
  between the target resource and authorized representation,
  and another term for the domain of that relationship.

- Talk about properties of IRs as a way of explaining "purpose".
  "Purpose" of IR idea = saying things about them. Content
  invariants (e.g. author, title, publisher, date, subject,
  media type, language, scribe: ). Lawful variation (weather
  in Oaxaca,, blogs).  Also consider: Versions
  and stability (e.g. as practiced at

- Suggest ways to interpret various situations in terms of this
  ontology.  Files as IRs. HTTP as revealing information about
  IRs (their representations). Expires: , Content-location:
  , and so on.  Status codes.

- Check against use cases (which we'll have to re-collect,
  I think they're scattered)

- Comparison with other work (IRW, IAO, etc): where we know
  about relationships to other work it should be mentioned.

- Choose class and property URIs and prepare OWL file and

Separate work items, potentially requiring additional task

- What HTTP redirects tell us (in terms of the QO).  Additional
  predicates, if needed.  "Cafeteria" approach, meaning offer
  a choice of ways to interpret redirects in the QO.

- The 'describes' relation. Interpreting 303 and RDF-based
  fragid definitions.  [Agreed 18-Jan-2011: Leave 303 to either
  nose following or redirects work item.]

- Optional: Fragid semantics in general.  [Agreed 18-Jan-2011:
  Put in separate section]

- Optional: Link relations (Link: and /.well-known/host-meta)
  [Agreed 18-Jan-2011: Put link relations with 303 for the


On Fri, 2010-11-05 at 19:43 -0400, Jonathan Rees wrote:
> Thoughts on finishing the current (and maybe last) phase of work
> - The work product is to be a set of logical predicates (classes and
>   properties), expressed in OWL, together with explanation and
>   rationale.
> - Decide that we are documenting the design of web architecture, not
>   reality.  So this is not an ontology project, really, as it is not
>   empirically based.  Call it a 'quasi-ontology' (QO).  It can be
>   applied to reality only to the extent that reality adheres to the design.
> - Deal with 'representations': content, media type, language.
> - Introduce 'information resource' as something that 'has
>   representations' (different ones at different times) and pretty much
>   nothing else.  (maybe some 'phlogiston')
> - Talk about properties of IRs as a way of explaining purpose.
>   Purpose of IR idea = saying things about them.  Content invariants
>   (e.g. author, title, publisher, date, subject, media type, language,
>   ...).  Lawful variation (weather in Oaxaca,, blogs).
> - Optional topic: Versions and stability (e.g. as practiced at
> - Suggest ways to interpret various situations in terms of the QO.
>   Files as IRs.  HTTP as revealing information about IRs (their
>   representations).  Expires: , Content-location: , and so on.
>   Status codes.
> - What HTTP redirects tell us (in terms of the QO).  Additional
>   predicates, if needed.  "Cafeteria" approach, meaning offer a choice
>   of ways to interpret redirects in the QO.
> - The 'describes' relation.  Interpreting 303 and RDF-based fragid
>   definitions.
> - Optional: Fragid semantics in general.
> - Optional: Link relations (Link: and /.well-known/host-meta)
> - Check against use cases (which we'll have to re-collect, I think
>   they're scattered)
> - Disclaimers (when this breaks down)
> - Comparison with other work (IRW, IAO, etc)
> - Choose class and property URIs and prepare OWL file and report.

David Booth, Ph.D.

Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of his employer.

Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2011 15:31:15 UTC