Ed's / Ian's View

Hi All,

I think Ed and Ian's view can be summarized as follows:

At the abstract level, you make statements about typed resources rather 
than just resources, so rather than saying:

   dc:creator(x, "alice");

You're actually saying:

   dc:creator(U₁(x), "alice");
   foo:mass(U₂(x), 2140);
   and.. disjoint(U₁(x), U₂(x));

Where U₁ and U₂ are different universes, on the web, and not on the web.

Over the years this has been surfaced in many ways, different examples 

   <x> :accessibleVia "x"              == U₁(x) U₂(x)
   *<x>  foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf <x>     == U₂(x) U₁(x)
   _:x foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf <x>       == U₂(x) U₁(x)
   tdb:x foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf <x>     == U₂(x) U₁(x)

and the inference one (Ed's William Shakespeare example, and as outlined 
above), which is to have the properties specify whether <x> in the 
surface syntax is referring to U₁(x) or U₂(x).

The William Shakespeare example / universe inference approach was 
falling apart when it came to properties like dc:creator on resources 
like wikipedia pages about Books, which to IanD's credit he pointed out, 
and to which Ed responded by effectively saying "well we need a separate 
ontology for talking about things in U₁".

Other cases mentioned (by IanD and others) take the approach of saying 
things like "I'll only use x to refer to things in U₂, not U₁", which 
was later expanded on with the Content-Location suggestion to 
effectively say "I'll only use x to refer to things in U₂, not U₁, and 
if I need to refer to things in U₁ I'll provide some other name for that 
thing" ... but I think it still had the same sentiment of using the 
properties to suggest whether the thing being discussed was in U₁ or U₂, 
for example by saying <x> a :Person, or <x> a :Document but not both.

To me this outlines that:

- there's a kind of distinction being made by people that there are two 
classes of resources, the documents/irs/things on the web, and the 
everything elses. (there are two unvierses)

- that one approach is to use properties to say which universe the x you 
are talking about belongs in ( use x to refer to both U₁(x) and U₂(x) )

- that another approach is to only use x to refer to either U₁(x) or U₂(x)

- that another approach is to use some surface syntax (quotes or *) or 
other form of uri (tdb:) to refer to either U₁(x) U₂(x).

And that currently our solutions are:

- to use absolute iris for things in U₁, and frags for things in U₂
- to use x to refer to things in U₁ and y to refer to things in U₂, 
where 303(x,y)

It's interesting to me though, that it almost every solution (other than 
the infer from properties one) has a build in notion that when you have 
U₁(x) and U₂(x), then U₁(x) provides information about U₂(x), and U₁(x) 
!= U₂(x). Seems to be a running thread there.. even though I know 
strictly speaking that you can say use frag iris to refer to a web 
page.. but I don't see anybody actually doing that.. so maybe people are 
happy with disjoint classes of names, one for things on the web and one 
for things that aren't?



Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2011 16:47:39 UTC