- From: Dan Connolly <connolly@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 11:48:35 -0500
- To: Pat Hayes <phayes@ihmc.us>
- Cc: Jonathan Rees <jar@creativecommons.org>, AWWSW TF <public-awwsw@w3.org>
On Thu, 2010-05-13 at 10:53 -0500, Pat Hayes wrote: > On May 13, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Dan Connolly wrote: > > > On Thu, 2010-05-13 at 00:03 -0500, Pat Hayes wrote: > >> Dan, I don't think I've got my point across, and its getting lost in > >> all this confusion about information resourceness. Its really a very > >> simple point, and I can make it with a very simple example. > >> Suppose A > >> is an RDF graph, and B is an RDF/XML file which encodes/is a surface > >> syntax of/represents (choose your favorite terminology) that graph A. > >> And suppose U is a URI which "identifies" B, in the sense that what > >> you get back, when you do an HTTP GET using U, is a > >> 'representation' (in the REST sense) of B with a 200 code attached. > >> That is, the relationship between U and B is exactly like that > >> between > >> the URI of a web page, and the web page itself. > > > > That's perhaps a different architecture; i.e. a different way of > > looking > > at things than is in webarch and REST. > > > > A typical web page has various representations over time, and > > when we link to the web page, we don't link to any one of them, > > but to all of them (indexed by time). So (in webarch/REST) U > > isn't a URI for B, but for something that B represents. > > Yes, I know. But lets take a very very simple case, to make the point, > where the resource does NOT change over time. Many Web resources are > like this; and the point being discussed here doesn't seem to depend > on B being dynamic in this way. OK, but even in the case where the resource is not dynamic, U is a URI for the resource, not for the representation. > (Although, if it is part of the > nature of a REST-identifiable resource that it is dynamic, then that > is even more reason why an RDF graph - a mathematical set - can't be > one of them.) No... as far as I'm aware, a constant function is fine. > > Again, please take a look at the figure in the webarch intro > > http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#intro > > > > There we see that http://weather.example.com/oaxaca identifies > > a weather report (a web page) which is represented by > > an HTML document. > > And when that document was first drafted, I asked, what exactly IS > this thing called a 'weather report'? And the only answers I got > (other than being told not to ask such questions) were along the lines > of it being a computational entity which emits XHTML when prodded by a > GET, ie a Web page. I know in REST it is, formally, a function from > times to representations (of it), which is mathematically correct but > wholly uninformative as to what kind of thing it is, as it can be > applied to any function from times to anything. Indeed, REST doesn't constrain what resources are. > >> My point is simply that under these circumstances, we are pretty much > >> obliged by http-range-14, as I understand it, to say that U denotes > >> B; > >> that is, it denotes the thing it HTTP-identifies. > > > > You keep saying that, and I keep asking how you come to that > > conclusion. I thought perhaps using more formal terms and going > > slower would help, but evidently not. Oh well. > > If this understanding of http-range-14 is wrong, then please tell me > exactly how, and what I should understand it to mean. But please do so > without using the term "information resource". Umm... I don't see how that's possible. The only content of the httpRange-14 decision is that resources with representations (i.e. that give 200 responses) are information resources (whatever that means). Literally: a) If an "http" resource responds to a GET request with a 2xx response, then the resource identified by that URI is an information resource; -- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2005Jun/0039.html It's not a very interesting result at all; it's pretty clearly a paper consensus (i.e. a decision that just papers over the substance of the issue). I think I abstained. Ugh... no, I ran out of energy to even do that. http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2005/06/14-16-minutes.html#item023 You seem to read much more into it than is there. It in no way licenses an inference from U denotes R and R is represented by B to U denotes B. -- Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/ gpg D3C2 887B 0F92 6005 C541 0875 0F91 96DE 6E52 C29E
Received on Thursday, 13 May 2010 16:48:19 UTC