Re: [pedantic-web] Re: The OWL Ontology URI

On Thu, 2010-05-13 at 00:03 -0500, Pat Hayes wrote:
> Dan, I don't think I've got my point across, and its getting lost in  
> all this confusion about information resourceness. Its really a very  
> simple point, and I can make it with a very simple example.  Suppose A  
> is an RDF graph, and B is an RDF/XML file which encodes/is a surface  
> syntax of/represents (choose your favorite terminology) that graph A.  
> And suppose U is a URI which "identifies" B, in the sense that what  
> you get back, when you do an HTTP GET using U, is a  
> 'representation' (in the REST sense) of B with a 200 code attached.  
> That is, the relationship between U and B is exactly like that between  
> the URI of a web page, and the web page itself.

That's perhaps a different architecture; i.e. a different way of looking
at things than is in webarch and REST.

A typical web page has various representations over time, and
when we link to the web page, we don't link to any one of them,
but to all of them (indexed by time). So (in webarch/REST) U
isn't a URI for B, but for something that B represents.

Again, please take a look at the figure in the webarch intro

There we see that identifies
a weather report (a web page) which is represented by
an HTML document.

> My point is simply that under these circumstances, we are pretty much  
> obliged by http-range-14, as I understand it, to say that U denotes B;  
> that is, it denotes the thing it HTTP-identifies.

You keep saying that, and I keep asking how you come to that
conclusion. I thought perhaps using more formal terms and going
slower would help, but evidently not. Oh well.

[... I didn't read the rest carefully, since it seems to be based
on premises that I don't understand. ...]

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Thursday, 13 May 2010 15:17:49 UTC