- From: Jonathan Rees <jar@creativecommons.org>
- Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 17:29:59 -0400
- To: AWWSW TF <public-awwsw@w3.org>
Continuing the line of thought I started just before the TAG F2F (http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/06/http-semantics.pdf) I've transcribed aspects of those diagrams into OWL for you all... this is work in progress, and I'll be continuing with it next week. This is just available for a peek if you're interested: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/awwsw/webarch Instead of anything resembling log:uri, I have a relation that relates an HTTP exchange to the resource that it's about (the 'request target'). This way we can factor out any theory of who thinks what about the URI, or even whether the URI alone determines what the exchange is about. The most interesting piece, I think, is where it says that if an exchange is about a resource R, and the request is a GET, and the response is a 200, then the webarch-representation carried by the response is 'of' R. I have yet to deal with fragment ids or redirects, just laying the groundwork. I've used 'webarch-representation' instead of 'representation' because I agree with Pat, and 'webarch-representable' instead of 'information resource' because of all the confusion around the latter term. (For a while I was calling it GET-200-OK-resource, but that's too specific to HTTP.) Of course I'll be changing all of my terminology for the next iteration! I'm using # URIs in deference to Tim and Dan, but I still get confused by the role-noun pattern so I'm using the has- convention common in the OWL community. Jonathan
Received on Friday, 16 July 2010 21:30:32 UTC