Re: yet another resource/representation diagram (#4)

Where do the entities involved in a language translation live on the diagram?

Note that frbr expressions can be more than information entities.
Regarding language translations, these are considered alternate
expressions of the same work in FRBR.

I still don't know what most of the relations mean. I have a clue
about encodes and carries, though it's hard to tell if its a correct
clue. As an aside I've been having questions about whether part_of
relationships are appropriate in (all) of the information realm.

I'm happy about the appearance of a server in the picture.

Not sure what the alternate path for service/object are for. Currently
it's kind of bare. Further development?

As you might expect, I still think the weakest part of the diagram are
the nework object, time varying information thing, and relations that
emanate from them.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Jonathan Rees <> wrote:
> This diagram is similar to #3 (the one I attached to my 3/7 email in this
> thread) but responds to various comments people made on #3.
> - all arcs have labels now
> - correction to REST model (at a given time one has a set of equivalent
> entities or values)
> - give up on "HTTP source at a URI" - replace simply with "HTTP server"
> which can respond for as many URIs as it likes
> - add box for the process that relates to a 'generic resource' - placeholder
> for theory to be provided by Alan and/or IAO
> - 'encoding of info. thing' may be the same as 'response from service'
> - example of 'network data object' is a file
> - 'potentially time varying' instead of 'time varying'

Received on Tuesday, 31 March 2009 04:20:40 UTC