Re: JAR conflict for July 7 AWWSW telecon

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 5:13 AM, Williams, Stuart (HP Labs,
Bristol)<> wrote:
> I too have a conflict and cannot make the call on 7th July.

OK, it looks as if 7 July is canceled.

I would still really like to get feedback on

but I don't know if it's worth scheduling an extra call. Let's try
email, and I'll meet with Alan R in person about it.

I want to start thinking soon about what should be in a report on this
effort. Not that the work is anywhere near done, but I hope each of
you (active participants) will think about what would be good content
and structure, to help guide next steps.


Received on Monday, 6 July 2009 11:12:24 UTC