Re: Discussing Valentina's and Aldo's work during AWWSW Telecon?

This is a good idea, Harry.  I looked at all of these papers a while  
ago but was not sufficiently steeped at the time to have benefited much.

I can make the call but unfortunately I will not have time to read the  
papers ahead of time. You will have to either tolerate my ignorance or  
ask me to be quiet. If someone else would so kind as to compare to the  
ontology (list of classes) I gave in my last message to Pat < 
 > I would appreciate it.


On Nov 24, 2008, at 7:27 AM, Harry Halpin wrote:

> Shall we discuss Valentina and Aldo's draft ontology of types of
> resources during tomorrow's telecon?
> Aldo and Valentina, can you make the telecon? If not, we'll have to
> discuss other things.
> What I was thinking is that we try to align your ontology with the  
> work
> we've been doing codifying TimBL's thinking. Do you have an OWL  
> version
> of your ontology available from a URI?
> Telecon is on Zakim - 9 AM EST (which I think is 1 pm GMT),
> +1.617.761.6200, lasts about an hour, code is "AWWSW"  
> #awwsw
> as well.
> Here's the  AWWSW homepage:
> Here's some of their work:
> "The Identity of Entities and Resources on the Web"
> "A Grounded Ontology for Identity and References of Web Resources"
> "The bourne identity of a Web Resource"
>    thanks,
>          harry

Received on Monday, 24 November 2008 17:11:29 UTC