- From: Jonathan Rees <jar@creativecommons.org>
- Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 11:10:11 -0500
- To: public-awwsw@w3.org
http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/awwsw/2008/11/11-awwsw-minutes.html below as plain text See also this wiki page: http://esw.w3.org/topic/AwwswRfc2616 --Jonathan W3C - DRAFT - AWWSW 11 Nov 2008 See also: IRC log Attendees Present jar, alanr, dbooth Regrets Chair Jonathan Rees Scribe nobody Contents * Topics 1. RFC 2616 * Summary of Action Items <jar> scribe: nobody <jar> scribenick: nobody RFC 2616 <alanr> happening? <jar> maybe. waiting for harry. everything hinges on harry <jar> davidb is here <alanr> ok. Not sure how much I can be there as I'm heading to dr. but we'll see <jar> silent for now. we'll give ia few more minutes. david didn't want to just stare at rfc2616 as i suggested, which is reasonable... <alanr> :) <alanr> what are you looking for? <jar> but my idea was that if we're not doing any work outside of calls, we should at least do work during the time reserved for the call <jar> alanr, david and I are both looking at rfc2616 <alanr> to what end? <jar> looking for classes and relations. remember the idea was to have on hand, for reference at least, an ontology (or rdfs) that captured important aspects of rfc2616 <dbooth> dbooth: Actually, it isn't that i don't want to stare at 2616 -- i think that is a good suggestion -- my suggestion of canceling today was made before I saw jar's agenda suggestion, when i was feeling guilty of not personally making any progress since the last call. :( <jar> with an eye to superclasses and superproperties, etc <jar> or else a refutation of the idea that you can derive an ontology from rfc2616 <jar> i think you should be able to do an rdf schema, but rfc2616 is not meant as, and shouldn't be taken to direct, any ontology <jar> because it's a software thing, not a philosophical thing <alanr> software things are in the realm of the IAO, so I'm not sure that would be justification. <alanr> and rdf schema has exactly the same sort of semantics as OWL, just a different selection wrt to expressivity <jar> no, by "software thing" I mean a formalism drawn without any interest in truth or real world denotation, but only with regard to effect. That is, things are not what they seem <jar> an rfc2616 entity is an information artifact - that's fine. but what does it mean? that's outside the scope of rfc2616. <jar> or a better example might be content negotiation <alanr> content negotiation is a process <jar> content negotiation is a mechanism, the syntactic form of which is given. but what governs its correctness? nothing really (in rfc2616) <alanr> information artifacts are the results of decisions by sentients <alanr> if cn can't be represented in IAO it will have failed <jar> so the statement "x is a representation of y" is not falsifiable under the terms of rfc2616. it's up to the server, and there's no way the server can be wrong - what it says goes. <alanr> not that I'm volunteering at the moment <jar> unless you look at awww, which is not rfc2616. <jar> (that's "falsifiable" in the Popper sense, David) <alanr> that's a bug <jar> i'm not sure. the protocol is all syntax, and almost no semantics. what semantics there is is all in the caching arena. <jar> a book on english grammar isn't obligated to tell you what sentences mean <jar> so i don't think it's a bug. in any case it doesn't matter whether it's a bug or not <dbooth> What is "IAO"? <jar> information artifact ontology <alanr> information artifact ontology <dbooth> thanks <jar> http://groups.google.com/group/information-ontology <dbooth> I'm not convinced that non-falsifiability is a bug. <dbooth> "Popper sense"? <jar> right that's what I was saying <jar> hang on i'll get you a url <jar> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsifiability (surprise) <alanr> in any case all that means is either a) that in the description of the process, there is some process where the output is always labeled a "representation". or b) "representation" is effectively a synonym for whatever the class of things that happens to allowable outputs of the process. <jar> actually i think 'refutable' might work better for audiences who don't know about Popper. what do you think? <dbooth> so IAO is for things like journal articles? <alanr> yes <dbooth> good <dbooth> sounds quite useful <alanr> http://neurocommons.org/page/Information_Artifact_Ontology <jar> although the current focus is on what happens in a lab - measurements and so on <alanr> http://groups.google.com/group/information-ontology <alanr> current, yes. But we also have narrative object in there. <jar> well i think we need to distinguish carefully between an rfc2616- representation and an awww-representation, because they are different classes (or roles). <dbooth> Me browsing through http://neurocommons.org/page/Information_Artifact_Ontology -- looks like nice work! <jar> representation = "entity subject to content negotiation"... this is so vague as to be useless. <jar> the work has barely begun. it is very difficult. <alanr> alright - then representation is used as a name for the class of things that are part of that process. <alanr> that class is presumable otherwise constrained. <dbooth> collecting requirements, jar? <jar> yes. this stance (what alanr just said) is what we need to capture (assuming we want to take on the task of accounting for rfc2616) <dbooth> jar, i agree with "well i think we need to distinguish carefully between an rfc2616-representation and an awww- representation, because they are different classes (or roles)." <jar> requirements... ok, not sure where to put it <jar> new wiki page i guess <dbooth> i don't have a requirement to suggest, i was just asking where you are in the work. <dbooth> ... the IAO work, that is. <jar> oh. <jar> i think everything there is to know is on that wiki page and in the archives of the google group <dbooth> ok <jar> i'm not taking any management role. not sure who is, maybe alan <dbooth> well on first glance it looks like a great start. Probably just needs white knight to swoop in and do a lot of work. ;) <alanr> Barry and I <jar> the effort is heavily BFO-oriented so may not be to everyone's taste (I often wonder if BFO is worth it) <dbooth> BFO? <jar> google it <dbooth> Basic Formal Ontology <jar> Trying to capture some of what we've talked about today in this wiki page: <jar> http://esw.w3.org/topic/AwwswRfc2616 <jar> refresh Summary of Action Items [End of minutes] Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.133 (CVS log) $Date: 2008/11/11 16:03:51 $
Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 16:24:22 UTC