Jonathan and Alan's Homework Question

Alan, Jonathan,

Before spending time on this, I'd like to make sure that I have an accurate rending of the question... so here goes... and please correct as appropriate:

"Consider a time invariant information object whose state can be serialised into a message which conveys the (present) state of the object and directly or indirectly information *about* the object (eg. mime type or a reference to a description or...) - give an account of the relationships which may exist between the object and such a message and between the message and any clones of the object which may be reconstitued by an observer of the message.

More concretely: if the URI http://example/mydoc denotes an invariant MS word document: what relationships may exist between a 200 response message and/or its contents sent in response to an HTTP GET request on the given URI; what relationship may exist between that response message and/or its contents and any cloned objects created by an observer of the message.

As far as is possible - please try to express anwers as a collection of RDF statements."

Does that about capture it?

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