RE: PDF file conundrum / A way to think about IRs

> From: Pat Hayes []
> >      From: David Booth
> >      ....
> >      Now, for a given entity, let's suppose we have decided
> >      how we choose to think of it and consider the three possibilities:
> >
> >      1. the entity does not have the characteristics of an
> >      IR.  It is lacking at least one characteristic of an IR.
> >
> >      2. the entity has all of the characteristics of an IR,
> >      but it also has other characteristics.
> >
> >      3. the entity has exactly the characteristics of an IR
> >      and no more.
> I don't think this makes sense. Nothing, except a
> mathematical abstraction defined by axioms (group,
> commutative algebra, set, etc.) has some exact list of
> characteristics and no others at all.

It *would* be a mathematical abstraction in that case.  Why do you
say it doesn't make sense for it to be a mathematical abstraction?

> >      In case 1, the entity clearly is not an IR.  In case 3,
> >    the entity clearly is an IR.  But what about case 2?  In case
> >    2 we have an entity that is *both* an IR *and* something
> >    else: it has characteristics of both.
> If it has all the characteristics of an IR, then it's an IR,
> pretty much by the meaning of 'characteristic'. It may be
> something else as well, or it may just be an IR which has
> some extra properties (such as containing precisely 347 characters).

That sounds very much like what I was trying to convey.  Are you
trying to point out a difference?

David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  |

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Received on Monday, 23 June 2008 13:08:08 UTC