RE: Example for consideration: Resource versus Representation

> From: Pat Hayes
> At 12:11 AM -0500 1/24/08, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
> [ . . . ]
>       True, but is this different that giving a URI naming
>     "love".  What's the problem naming a byte stream with a URI,
>     if we can name a person, process, property with a URI?
> Well, no problem in semiotic principle, but I see no way to
> pin down such an intended meaning either by description or
> (still less) by Web architecture. I'd have some problems with
> a URi intended to refer to love, by the way. Is love a
> resource? Now there's a question.

Of course love can be a awww:resource, and of course it can have a URI.   Anything can be considered a awww:resource, and any resource can have a URI if someone chooses to mint one for it.  (I'll resist the temptation to show an actual URI that denotes the concept of love though, because I think it will distract from the important part of this discussion.)  Whether or not the intended meaning is pinned down well is an entirely different question though.  Some resource will be precisely identified, others more vaguely.

David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  |

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Received on Thursday, 24 January 2008 16:18:38 UTC