
FYI... I was scratching around looking for a defn for log:racine and found:


which is the closest to documentation for:


that I've found. The defn given there is as follows:

        racine  For anything identified by a URI with a fragid, this is the thing
                        identified by the same URI without a hash or fragid. For anything
                        else, it is itself.

ie. both subject and object of log:racine are resources rather than URI (string literals).

FWIW: log:semantics also seems to be the parsing function that yields a formula from a resource - currently working (in CWM) for resources with RDF/XML or N3 representations with (CWM) support expected for RDFa and GRDDL'able resources in due course - going soley from the documentation.


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Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2008 17:40:51 UTC