Inference rules for HTTP, etc.

I have gotten a set of rules working, for making inferences based on HTTP interactions:
There is also some test data.

Among other things, these rules show:

 - how a URI is declared via "follow your nose" dereferencing;

 - both hash URIs and hashless (303 style) URIs; and

 - how two URIs can denote the same resource (in this case an awww:InformationResource), but when dereferenced return different responses (one returning an HTTP 301 status, the other returning a 200 OK).

Please take a look, try them out, make comments, etc.  I haven't minted real URIs for the namespaces -- I'm just using http://example/... URIs -- but if people want I can mint URIs for them.


David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  |

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Received on Sunday, 24 February 2008 04:35:08 UTC