class/property diagram for RFC2616/AWWW dissonance

Stuart encouraged me to work on my class/property diagram. I made a  
new one that is deep down the same as the previous one, but is recast  
in terms of what I have recently called RFC2616/AWWW dissonance. It  
combines the two URI/resource/representation triangles from the two  
documents, and decorates the result with Pat's "accessible" and a box  
(the one containing the word "either") that is similar to what Henry  
suggested, a union of different but related kinds of information- 
related resource.

The previous diagram is here:

Both are linked from the AWWSW home page:

I hope it is obvious that even though I'm not writing RDF or OWL,  
everything I'm saying is *intended* to contribute to an ontology.

The diagram is meant to be provocative, not foolish. Respond with your  


Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2008 19:45:44 UTC