Remote meeting schedule and agenda update

Based on the Doodle for remote meeting times, we settled on these
times for the week during today's call.

Note Europe does not go through daylight saving switch until
March 29, 2020, after this meeting.

23 - 08am - noon PST / 11am - 3pm EST / 4pm - 8pm CET 
24 - 11am - 3pm PST / 2pm - 6pm EST / 7pm - 11pm CET
25 - 11am - 3pm PST / 2pm - 6pm EST / 7pm - 11pm CET
26 - 10am - 2pm PST / 1pm - 5pm EST / 6pm - 10pm CET

I have updated the Auto and Transportation remote meeting agenda
for 23-26 March 

Please provide feedback so we can make modifications and consider
this largely finalized by next week's call.

If you intend to present, demo/proposal etc let me know so we can
try to budget time on topics more carefully.

When there is not a second track, the topic is expected to be of
combined (automotive and transportation data) interests.

Ted Guild <>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Tuesday, 10 March 2020 18:59:58 UTC