[Fwd: CCC consortium Car data model project]

Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Automotive Lead

Forwarded message 1

  • From: Gururaja N (RBEI/NE1-MM) <Gururaja.N@in.bosch.com>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2018 07:35:03 +0000
  • Subject: CCC consortium Car data model project
  • To: "ted@w3.org" <ted@w3.org>
  • Message-ID: <084851b0723b480980d5de046385bc04@in.bosch.com>
Hi Ted,
I'm not sure whether the below topic was discussed during any of the Data task force telco's hence thought of sharing with you.

Link : https://carconnectivity.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/CCC_Building_Car_Data_Ecosystem-FINAL_websafe.pdf
The scope of CCC car data project includes definition of standard interfaces for exchange of data between data provider and receiver.
The data provider could be either an OEM data  bank, or a car, or a phone. Our solution is not based on any one platform or source of data.
Data can originate from embedded modems, highway infrastructure or smartphones tethered to vehicles as well as other sources.
In addition to the standard interface, CCC plans to define an authentication and authorization service platform that will enable data provider to offer
car data through any market place. By enabling the mechanisms for solving the sharing of car data for the entire industry, we provide the best possible
way to build a vibrant way to maximize the value from this largely untapped resource

Best regards,

N Gururaja

Tel. +91 80 6657-4328 | Mobil +91-78290-18181

Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2018 07:43:54 UTC