[Minutes] data tf 2018-06-21


For use cases we can use either our github repo or wiki. If people want
to coordinate on real time editing we have an etherpad instance 
https://pad.w3.org that requires a W3C account to use. It is meant as
short term scratch space and gets garbage collected so be sure to save
a more persistent copy elsewhere.

The Automotive Business Group that this task force is under has its own


Automotive Working Group their own

Please link your W3C profile to your Github account.


Auto BG wiki 


page stated for this task force, I will be making some updates.


If you prefer to write use cases elsewhere that is fine, please share
the URIs with the group.

Any proof of concept code can be added to Auto BG github repo or any
other, again just share links.

Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:07:17 UTC