[Minutes] Data tf call 2018-06-14

Please find the minutes for today's call online:


As we ran out of time we agreed to reconvene at our usual time next
week instead of waiting two weeks to continue the conversation.
Questions are strongly encouraged in the meantime by email and slides
and documentation will be shared in advance so participants can read

Next Auto Data task force call will be on Thursday 21 June at 1100 EDT,
1500 GMT, 1600 CET, 2030 IST, 2300 CST, 0000 JST/KST, 0800 PDT


I will send a reminder in advance. The WebEx coordinates will be those
we usually use and have already modified WebEx to handle the change in

Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Thursday, 14 June 2018 17:18:28 UTC