I just sent ics calendar files to the internal list. I had intended to
do so including SIP uris per call (sip:<conference-code>@mit.webex.com)
as I was able to get MIT to enable a WebEx feature allowing for SIP
VoIP and video connections. Unfortunately I am only able to get those
to work from a Cisco VoIP phone on a VPN and not eg an Ekiga.net
account from behind NAT even though I can make other SIP calls fine.
sip:40000@mit.edu and entering the conference code works as mentioned
I have reiterated our interest in WebRTC on this WebEx instance.
On Tue, 2017-02-28 at 07:20 -0800, Streif, Rudolf wrote:
> Unfortunately, I keep missing these calls because my calendar does
> not show them correctly. The MIT WebEx calendar had the call on for
> 1pm PST yesterday.
> Ted, could you please correct the meeting times and send them out
> again?
Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Systems Team