Hi Wonsuk,
Congratulations in your new role.
1) given there are several options for time zones in Europe and just for clarity I assume when you mean Europe you mean GMT+2?
2) you maybe be covering this in the F2F Recap, but there seems to be 2 topics that may warrant specific agenda items. That is
a) manufacturer engagement and
b) electric vehicle support
Look forward to the meeting.
07711 252971
--- On Mon, 09 May 2016 06:16:56 +0100 이원석 <wonsuk.lee@etri.re.kr> wrote ----
Hi. All.
I am Wonsuk Lee who is a one of new co-chair of the group. I would like to remind the monthly call of the group for this month like below. For the agenda if you have any feedback or proposal let us know, it’s more than welcome.
1) Tentative Agenda:
- Recap F2F in Paris
- Review the scope and 1 or 2 year roadmap for LBS, (if possible) Media Tuner
- SOTA discussion
2) Upcoming BG Monthly Conf. Call info
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
- 8am US Pacific
- 11am US Eastern
- 5pm Europe
- 11pm China
- Midnight Korea/Japan
Meeting number: 648 679 820
Meeting link: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m26cd455ed9ae6d9fedddad0c4df8842e
Audio connection: +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number
Kind Regards,
이 원 석 (Wonsuk, Lee) / Senior Researcher, Ph.D
한국전자통신연구원 표준연구센터(Protocol Engineering Center, ETRI)
Mobile: +82-10-5800-3997 Office: +82-42-860-6104
E-mail: wonsuk.lee@etri.re.kr
http://www.wonsuk73.com/, twitter: @wonsuk73