Re: Joint Session Between Auto and Geolocation Group at TPAC

Hi Paul-san,

Meet Giridhar Mandyam, Co-chair of the Geolocation Working Group.  How
> about a joint session with them at TPAC on Tuesday, October 27?  Ideas for
> topics?  Topics?  How about API style, in-car location, overlaps between
> groups specs, security?
> Please respond and let us know your thoughts.

As you mentioned, I think we are interested in below point at least.

- API style.
 - If there is a plan to change API interface such as changing to use
Promises( or may be ES6 generators.)
 - Opinion about Vehicle information API style.

- Using geolocation API inside vehicle
 - How geolocation API deals with 'dead reckoning' by vehicle's
acceleration sensor, gyro sensor, wheel rotation, etc.
  (I think one possible answer is, geolocation API doens't care about 'dead
   because the API is agnostic about underling location information
sources. )

Best regards,
Shinjiro Urata

2015-09-25 2:09 GMT+09:00 Paul Boyes <>:

> All,
> Meet Giridhar Mandyam, Co-chair of the Geolocation Working Group.  How
> about a joint session with them at TPAC on Tuesday, October 27?  Ideas for
> topics?  Topics?  How about API style, in-car location, overlaps between
> groups specs, security?
> Please respond and let us know your thoughts.
> Thanks,
> Paul J. Boyes
> --------------------------------
> Mobile:   206-276-9675
> Skype:  pauljboyes


Received on Friday, 25 September 2015 11:26:02 UTC