Hi all,
QNX will unfortunately for be able to attend this F2F. If we need to discuss specifics offline as far as the security issues, feel free to contact Tina or myself and we can set something up.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network.
From: Abramski, Adam M
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 3:55 PM
To: public-autowebplatform@w3.org
Cc: Abramski, Adam M; PHILIPPE COLLIOT; Kang-Joon Verniers; amitchel@jaguarlandrover.com
Subject: Proposed agenda for upcoming Oct F2F
Hi all,
Heres the proposed/draft agenda for the F2F:
9:15 - Intros
9 :15 10:45 Go over public comments for current specs & discussion (Paul/Kevron)
10:45 12 JLR spec vs real world Findings, suggestions & discussion (JLR)
12 1 Lunch
1 2:30 Discuss your topic on variable data values for some data signals (Paul)
2:30 3:30 Tuner APIs Is this the next project for the BG? (Paul/Adam)
3:30 4 Break
4 5 GENIVI LBS/Navigation EG Update & discussion (Philippe/Joon-Kang GENIVI LBS EG)
5 - Adjourn
9 9:30 Go over Automotive WG Charter & recruitment of WG like CTIA meeting, etc. (Adam/Paul/W3C-Alan/Philipp)
9:30 10:30 Security for Web Apps (QNX/GM)
10:30 12 - Discuss next steps for BG Is it Tuner, LBS, Security, something else? (Adam/Paul)
12 - Adjourn & Lunch
Please provide input or comments as you see fit. Of course well be flexible on the moving things around if need be.
Adam M Abramski
Product Planner
Internet of Things Group/Transportation Solutions Division
503-264-8269 (o)
503-550-7910 (m)