Re: Cordova

On 4/16/2014 6:10 PM, Marc Lapierre wrote:
> Hi guys,
> The idea behind Cordova for us is that is that it is essentially the 
> main cross platform method of providing access to native 
> services. With the proposed implementation, the vehicle object living 
> inside the navigator object implies that the API will live on the web 
> platform directly. There's nothing wrong with this per se, however 
> this implies that the APIs will only be accessible on browser runtimes 
> on the vehicle itself. If that is the goal, then this is certainly the 
> more efficient way to implement this API.
> One of our goals is to take this API and make it available to remote 
> devices for connection to the vehicle. We don't expect those devices 
> to have the vehicle APIs implemented into their web platform. Cordova 
> allows us to add the APIs to any device, regardless of their web 
> platform implementation
> That said, there is nothing technically stopping us from making a 
> Cordova plugin that will simply add the API onto the navigator object. 
> It isn't really the typical way of doing thing,

I'm not sure it isn't the typical say of doing things in Cordova - I'm 
not a great expert, but at least, quickly checking the camera API, at 
least the camera seems to be added to the navigator object in Cordova  - 
quoting from

> |  <>(  cameraSuccess  <>,  cameraError  <>,  [  cameraOptions  <>  ]  );|

So is compass

> |navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading  <>(compassSuccess  <>,  compassError  <>,  compassOptions  <>);|

(won't go through all of them)

> My main comment was more to keep in mind how a typical implementation 
> will look in the grand scheme of things, and to start thinking about 
> how a remote device implementation would work.

I'm not aware of Cordova being used for APIs to remote devices (but 
again, I'm far from an expert) - however, more generally, I've seen JS 
app architectures (at least on paper) where a "local api" would be 
proxied and any calls then redirected to the remote device - this would 
be transparent to the caller - I'd assume one could do the same for a 
vehicle API running on a phone

Received on Thursday, 17 April 2014 16:05:51 UTC