Re: W3C meeting next week

Hi Andy and Adam,

I just wanted to remind you that W3C's TPAC 2013 meetings [1]
will be held next week and many of the BG participants can't
attend the call...




On 11/09/2013 04:05 AM, Andy Gryc wrote:
> Hi all,
> Adam and I discussed that we'll be going ahead with the meeting next
> Tuesday. I'll be chairing this one. We'll be using the times below. I'd
> like to apologize for everyone inconvenienced, and hope that it's some
> consolation that the next meeting will be less so as our meeting
> schedule continues to rotate around the world.
> *Time:*
>     Tuesday, November 12
>         6AM – 7AM (Pacific)
>         9AM – 10AM (Eastern)
>         2PM – 3PM (GMT)
>         3PM – 4PM (CET)
>         11PM – 12AM (KST/JST)
> *Call-in information:*
>     Moderator name:Andy Gryc
>     Conference ID:9197779
>     US/Canada toll-free dial-in number:+1-855-453-6977
>     US/Canada local dial-in number:+1-416-933-3861
>     *Global and International
>     toll free dial-in number:
>     /* Global toll-free service provides a sin//gle toll-free number
>     that can be dialed from the 21 participating countries.
>     International toll free service provides a toll-free number per
>     participating country./
> *Agenda:*
>   * Ongoing standards work and QNX first draft
>   * Discuss open issues and assumptions (set/get, webidl,
>     optional/mandatory/supported, units & types, "unrealistic" signals)
>   * Current assignments and deadlines
>   * Make decisions on next face-to-face: location, time, purpose.
> The calendar invite is attached—you should be able to open it and add to
> your calendar at the appropriate local time.
> Thank you, have a great weekend, and talk to you next week.
> -- Andy
> ====================================
> Andy Gryc ("Grits")
> Senior Automotive Product Marketing Manager
> Ottawa, Canada (Eastern Daylight Time/UTC – 4:00)
> +1-613-618-8730
>; Twitter: @truegryc
> qnx-sig-small| <>

Kaz Ashimura, W3C Staff Contact for Web&TV, MMI and Voice
Tel: +81 466 49 1170

Received on Saturday, 9 November 2013 17:11:04 UTC