Chairs and meeting notes

I am willing to continue acting as a facilitator/chair for this group and
Ansgar accepted me nominating him. I am happy to step down or add
additional if someone is interested. You can nominate through this

Meeting notes we are continuing to collect on this wiki page:

We had a few likely privacy recommendations to make in a published document
but spent most of our time continuing to discuss an idea started on the
previous call.

The idea is to have personal privacy preferences be something stored on the
web (perhaps leveraging Decentralized ID) with a local copy on the
individual's smartphone. This way your preferences can follow you from
vehicle to vehicle. There are some pain points to smooth out for the user
experience and we will be reaching out to a few people on various aspects
of this idea.


Ted Guild (he, him, his)

Connectivity Standards Lead



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Received on Thursday, 15 February 2024 17:22:51 UTC