Fwd: REMINDER: 2nd Annual Workshop on Future Automotive Research Datasets, Nov 17-18

If there is any interest in attending this virtual workshop, please
contact *David
Balenson <balenson@isi.edu <balenson@isi.edu>>*

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Balenson <balenson@isi.edu>
Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 10:25 AM
Subject: REMINDER: 2nd Annual Workshop on Future Automotive Research
Datasets, Nov 17-18
To: David Balenson <balenson@isi.edu>
Cc: David Balenson <balenson@isi.edu>, Wesley Hardaker <hardaker@isi.edu>,
Christos Papadopoulos <christos.papadopoulos@memphis.edu>, Jeremy Daily <
jeremy.daily@colostate.edu>, Glenn Atkinson <glennatkinson@geotab.com>, Ted
Guild <edwardguild@geotab.com>, Sam Hollifield <hollifieldsc@ornl.gov>,
Stacy Prowell <prowellsj@ornl.gov>

Dear Colleague,

The 2nd annual workshop, The Road to Future Automotive Research Datasets:
Challenges and Opportunities, will be held as a *virtual event* on
Thursday-Friday, November 17-18, 2022 (10am-4pm ET). If you’re interested
in participating in the workshop *and have not yet done so*, please RSVP to
David Balenson <balenson@isi.edu> to let me know if you and/or others from
your team can participate.

A copy of the draft (near-final) agenda is attached. We have a great lineup
of presentations and discussion sessions focused on datasets and tools,
automotive research efforts, and privacy:

   - PIVOT Project Overview
   - Geotab Support for PIVOT
   - ORNL Research, Datasets, and Facilities
   - COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification
   - AGL: Linux Automotive Grade Linux
   - PASS: Platform for Auto-driving Safety and Security
   - Breakout Discussion: Crowdsourced Data from CAN Loggers
   - NSF CISE and CCRI Overview
   - NSF Computer and Network Systems Research Dataset Needs
   - MCity 2.0 Overview
   - Lightning Talks on Automotive Research Efforts
   - CyberAuto & CyberTruck Challenges
   - Privacy Considerations for Geotab Fleet Data
   - Dagstuhl Report Privacy Protection of Automated and Self-Driving
   Vehicles and Overview of Privacy Enhancing Technologies
   - Privacy Enhancing Technologies for Automotive Datasets
   - Privacy Panel and Discussion

Please feel free to forward this invitation to others who you think would
be interested in participating in the workshop. Additional information,
including the final agenda and Zoom information, will be distributed prior
to the workshop.

We greatly appreciate your consideration of this invitation and look
forward to your participation in the workshop!


David Balenson (USC Information Sciences Institute)

On behalf of the workshop organizers:

   - Christos Papadopoulos (University of Memphis)
   - Jeremy Daily (Colorado State University)
   - David Balenson & Wesley Hardaker (USC Information Sciences Institute)
   - Glenn Atkinson & Ted Guild (Geotab)
   - Sam Hollifield & Stacy Prowell (ORNL)

*From: *David Balenson <balenson@isi.edu>
*Date: *Friday, September 23, 2022 at 6:25 AM
*To: *David Balenson <balenson@isi.edu>
*Cc: *David Balenson <balenson@isi.edu>, Christos Papadopoulos <
christos.papadopoulos@memphis.edu>, Jeremy Daily <jeremy.daily@colostate.edu>,
Glenn Atkinson <glennatkinson@geotab.com>, Ted Guild <tedguild@geotab.com>,
Stacy Prowell <prowellsj@ornl.gov>, Sam Hollifield <hollifieldsc@ornl.gov>
*Subject: *INVITATION: 2nd Annual Workshop on Future Automotive Research

Dear Colleague,

As a researcher in the community who is producing and/or using automotive
or heavy duty research datasets, the University of Memphis, Colorado State
University, USC Information Sciences Institute, Geotab, and Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (ORNL) invite you to participate in the 2nd annual
workshop, *The Road to Future Automotive Research Datasets: Challenges and
Opportunities, to be held as a virtual event on Thursday-Friday, November
17-18, 2022 (10am-4pm ET)*.

This workshop will build on the success of the first workshop held in
November 2021 and continue our efforts to bring together the community
around development and sharing of robust automotive and heavy-duty datasets
to support open research in areas with strong societal impact such as smart
and connected communities and development of new, innovative cybersecurity
and privacy protections for automotive applications. The workshop will
engage researchers like yourself who are producing and/or using datasets to
drive their research; commercial vehicle telematics providers who are
willing to share data with researchers; and representatives from funding

We are happy to share that Memphis, Colorado State, and USC-ISI, along with
their commercial telematics collaborator, Geotab, have received an NSF CISE
Community Research Infrastructure (CCRI) award to build PIVOT (Platform for
Innovative use of Vehicle Open Telematics). PIVOT is a community-based
platform intended to catalyze the production and consumption of automotive
and heavy-duty datasets and associated tools to support the community
pursuing research in vehicle system cybersecurity, intelligent
transportation, and smart and connected communities. The PIVOT platform
will provide the community with in-vehicle datasets, telematics data, an
open-source data repository, and new open-source tools to help collect,
process, and analyze data.

Some of the topics we plan to cover during the workshop include
applications of vehicle telematics and other data, community research
datasets, Geotab telematics technology and datasets, ORNL research and
facilities, PIVOT datasets and tools, privacy and other considerations, and
industry engagement. Additionally, we will engage participants in
facilitated discussions to learn more about future dataset needs, potential
applications of automotive datasets, and next steps.

*Please RSVP to David Balenson <balenson@isi.edu <balenson@isi.edu>> to let
us know if you and/or others from your team can participate in the
workshop. Also, please let us know if you are interested in presenting your
research at the workshop.* Additional information, including a detailed
agenda, will be distributed prior to the workshop.

Information about the November 2021 workshop is in the shared Google Drive
folder at
Note that this is a new location from the one identified in earlier
communications. The folder includes the final workshop report as well as
the agenda, presentation slides and videos, and output from the breakout
sessions. Information about the PIVOT award can be found at

https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2213734, and

We greatly appreciate your consideration of this invitation and look
forward to your participation in the workshop!


David Balenson (USC Information Sciences Institute)

On behalf of the workshop team:

   - Christos Papadopoulos (University of Memphis)
   - Jeremy Daily (Colorado State University)
   - David Balenson (USC Information Sciences Institute)
   - Glenn Atkinson (Geotab)
   - Ted Guild (Geotab)
   - Sam Hollifield (ORNL)
   - Stacy Prowell (ORNL)

Received on Monday, 7 November 2022 15:56:18 UTC