RE: Accessibility considerations for connected vehicles

Thanks Ted for reaching out! This seems very interesting and relevant. I’d like to attend the session on the 31st to get a sense if I could add value. I see the accessibility and data security streams as potential areas. Please send me the invite.


Jeremy Paulus
PhD Candidate
School of Public Health & Health Systems
University of Waterloo

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From: Ted Guild<>
Sent: May 18, 2021 10:45 AM
To: public-automotive<>
Subject: Re: Accessibility considerations for connected vehicles

Correction, 31 May not March is the Best Practices call I want to focus on accessibility at 11am PST, 1pm EST, 7pm CEST

On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 4:19 PM Ted Guild <<>> wrote:
We have a task force working on In-Vehicle Application Best Practices meeting every other week at 1pm ET. It explores various topics currently outside the scope of any standardization work for connected vehicles, with a considerable emphasis on personal data privacy protection but also seeking to address bandwidth, other optimizations, functionality concerns raised.

There are several obvious areas we have the opportunity to provide needed into on accessibility considerations, including better accommodating aftermarket accessibility devices and providing alternate means to interact with vehicles from paired devices that can be tailored to individual needs and transcend brands.

We would benefit from your expertise and invite you to attend our meeting on 31 March. If inclined and/or know someone who can help us, please let me know so I can extend a calendar invitation with call coordinates. Also please use this thread to provide links to any recommended reading, other initiatives we can try to align with or anything else that might be pertinent.

Wiki where we are collecting notes for best practices document.


Ted Guild (he, him, his)

Connectivity Standards Lead



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Received on Thursday, 20 May 2021 16:36:18 UTC