[Agenda] Auto WG 2021-01-05

Happy New Year, hope everyone is well and enjoyed some much needed down

The Automotive Working Group call resume tomorrow. Peter and I caught
up today and discussed an agenda.

* Announcements

 WG charter extended to 2021-03-31
 Reminder of breakout calls, RPC and Best Practices

* Ulf's Pull Request

* Privacy

 Magnus Feuer and I met with Sam Weiler and Ralph Swick from W3C. It
was a good conversation, although not resolved. We should continue our
consideration of what privacy considerations belong in the charter,
VISS version 2, other specs such as RPC and In-Vehicle Best Practices.
Peter shared some discussions he has had along these lines with
Berkeley University students for a class he is providing mentorship

Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Monday, 4 January 2021 18:33:28 UTC