- From: Little, Chris <chris.little@metoffice.gov.uk>
- Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 23:43:25 +0000
- To: "ted@w3.org" <ted@w3.org>, "Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton)" <Simon.Cox@csiro.au>
- CC: Daniel.DW.Wilms <Daniel.DW.Wilms@bmw.de>, "Benjamin.Klotz@eurecom.fr" <Benjamin.Klotz@eurecom.fr>, public-automotive <public-automotive@w3.org>
Ted, Simon, I am happy to do European late evening if Simon wants a Melbourne Victoria morning meeting. My main constraint is trying to stick to my normal work days on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday (in Europe) My first thought is: Does each car has its own 'clock' and timeline? Presumably these would all be synchronised via GPS or similar, when a signal is available, to a millisecond accuracy or better, but not microsecond? For the Time extension, I think of it as purely for convenience, and perhaps performance. Like a relational Database having 3rd normal form data for precise correct responses, but de-normalising the data for performance. HTH, Chris -----Original Message----- From: Ted Guild <ted@w3.org> Sent: 02 February 2021 22:15 To: Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton) <Simon.Cox@csiro.au>; Little, Chris <chris.little@metoffice.gov.uk> Cc: Daniel.DW.Wilms <Daniel.DW.Wilms@bmw.de>; Benjamin.Klotz@eurecom.fr; public-automotive <public-automotive@w3.org> Subject: SOSA/SSN/Time experiences Hi Simon and Chris, Besides my modest role in supporting Spatial Data on the Web, I have a more substantive one leading our Automotive standards effort. At the center is a common data model for the information available about a vehicle, static and dynamic coming from sensors. For in-vehicle use we've come up with a protocol and are using JSON but in the cloud you won't be surprised to hear that we're using an ontology that Eurecom (part of Institut Mines-Télécom) and BMW has come up with an ontology. IMT has made a Member Submission [1] to enable standards development. Vehicle Signals Specification ontology (VSSo) is comprised of the underlying common data model for vehicle signals (Vehicle Signals Specification - VSS [2]), your SOSA/SSN and Time along with core vehicle ontology [3] done a few years ago by a number of ontologists operating in EDM Council/W3C Community Group [4]/[5]. Incidentally that group is reconvening and will be working on a number of automotive related ontologies to support broader range of uses. We have refactored the underlying VSS, influenced by how we want to see structural changes for use in the cloud, recently making a 2.0 release. We will work on tooling to keep VSSo in sync with VSS developments and are having some design discussions starting in github [6]. It occurred to me to setup a meeting with you to see if you can impart any wisdom from your and perhaps others' use of SOSA/SSN and Time in other ontologies that we might benefit from. We'd be interested in what led to the extensions [7][8] and what else might be in consideration for more. If you are inclined, I am thinking I should get up early one morning EDT to not be too late into the evening in Australia and be reasonable for Europe. Please propose some times, if necessary I can come up with a Doodle. [1] https://www.w3.org/Submission/2020/SUBM-vsso-20201026/ [2] https://genivi.github.io/vehicle_signal_specification/ [3] https://schema.org/docs/automotive.html [4] https://wiki.edmcouncil.org/display/AUTO [5] https://www.w3.org/community/gao/ [6] https://github.com/w3c/vsso [7] https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-ssn-ext/ [8] https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/NOTE-vocab-owl-time-rel-20200707/ -- Ted Guild <ted@w3.org> W3C Automotive Lead https://www.w3.org/auto
Received on Tuesday, 2 February 2021 23:43:43 UTC