Combining Service accounts and OAuth flow

Hello everyone,

I have prepared a  diagram to serve as a starting point for discussions in the next meeting. I have combined the standard Oauth Flow with the concept of service accounts. User could the the car owner or the manufacturer.

Having a key pair per app would enable also another interesting use case, at least from my perspective: Encrypted responses. The Vehicle Server can use the public key of the app to encrypt responses, avoiding the need for TLS in the back channel. I order to avoid it in the requests, they should also be encrypted using the vehicle server public key. I think removing the TLS dependency in the last step, could affect performance in a good way.

I have used the following tool to create the diagrams, in case someone wants to amend them: <>




Here is the source code and the diagram in PNG:

title User delegating access to Client App

actor User
participant Client App
participant AuthzServer
participant AuthnServer
participant Vehicle Server

note over User: Install Client App
User-->*Client App:<<create>>
note over Client App: Generates Key Pair
aboxright over User,AuthzServer: User delegates access to Client App by \nidentifiying the Public Key, e.g. QR codes\n and set app permisions, e.g. using roles
note over Client App: Generates JWT with iat \nset to current UNIX time
Client App->AuthnServer: Request access token using JWT
note over AuthnServer,AuthzServer: Check permisions
AuthnServer-->Client App: Token response
Client App -> Vehicle Server: Request Signal using Access Token
note over Vehicle Server: Check Token
Vehicle Server-->Client App: Signal response

Received on Sunday, 3 May 2020 21:09:21 UTC