Re: [VSS] Splitting tools into separate repository


I'll wait until stuff has been moved to minimize commit and branch confusion.

@Ulf Bjorkengren<> - Is the c_native repo in a good state to be built? I haven't looked at it for quite some time.


/Magnus F.

System Architect Manager
Jaguar Land Rover

Mobile: +1 949 294 7871


Jaguar Land Rover North America, LLC
1450 NW 18th Ave, Portland, OR 97209
Business Details:
Jaguar Land Rover Limited
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From: Gunnar Andersson <>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 16:18
To: Magnus Feuer <>; <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [VSS] Splitting tools into separate repository

On Thu, 2020-02-20 at 23:41 +0000, Magnus Feuer wrote:
> Gunnar,
> I am starting to work through the build system.
> Do you want me to create a branch inside your private vss-tools and
> vehicle_signal_specification forks and submit PRs from my branches to
> your master?

Sure, if you need to get started, you can do this now on the fork.
I will move the repo to the GENIVI account at the earliest tomorrow.

- Gunnar

> /Magnus F.
> -------------------
> System Architect Manager
> Jaguar Land Rover
> Email:
> Mobile: +1 949 294 7871
> Jaguar Land Rover North America, LLC
> 1450 NW 18th Ave, Portland, OR 97209
> -------------------
> Business Details:
> Jaguar Land Rover Limited
> Registered Office: Abbey Road, Whitley, Coventry CV3 4LF
> Registered in England No: 1672070
> This e-mail and any attachments contain confidential information for
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> This e-mail does not constitute an order for goods or services unless
> accompanied by an official purchase order.
> From: Gunnar Andersson <>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 03:56
> To: Magnus Feuer <>;
> <>
> Cc: <>
> Subject: [VSS] Splitting tools into separate repository
> Magnus, Daniel, and all:
> As you requested on yesterday's W3C Automotive WG call I have done
> the steps to splitting of tools from the signal repository in VSS.
> I show the example of a separate repository named vss-tools:
> For now it is kept on a fork [1]
> As expected git-subtree seems to have stored the relevant history
> from
> the original repository (only those commits that pertain to changes
> inside the tools directory) in the history of vss-tools repository.
> I added an empty commmit with some information to document
> the point at which we did the split, for the future. [2]
> Finally, I replaced the original tools directory from the VSS
> repo with a submodule reference to vss-tools. [3]
> NOTE that that commit renames tools/ to vss-tools/!
> ! All users should give your viewpoint on that, how much it affects
> things like build environments, etc.  I think keeping directory names
> the same as the submodule is usually the best, but it involves a path
> change here.  Thoughts?
> If everything looks good we can repeat the same operations
> under the GENIVI account.  I would also propose you, Magnus, also
> sign
> off on commits [2] and [3].  I can add this when I do the final
> cleanup
> if you say OK.
> @ Daniel There was one small oddity and that is that it seems
> tools had a submodule already, which I was not aware of, located at
> tools/documentation/themes/learn.  This one did not carry over to the
> new vss-tools repo (Please see [3] for details) but it feels somewhat
> unrelated to our project.  If it is used only as documentation for
> maintenance of the wiki, maybe keeping a link to the project would be
> enough?
> Sincerely,
> - Gunnar
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Received on Friday, 21 February 2020 00:26:45 UTC