- From: <Daniel.DW.Wilms@bmw.de>
- Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 14:16:23 +0000
- To: <rudolf.streif@ibeeto.com>, <ulfbjorkengren@geotab.com>
- CC: <gandersson@genivi.org>, <mfeuer1@jaguarlandrover.com>, <public-automotive@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <4FAD458B-E1AE-40DA-9B41-498E999CC2E5@bmw.de>
Hi, as preparation for the meeting today I tried to summarize and structure the current mail discussion. Feel free to add or modify: https://github.com/GENIVI/vehicle_signal_specification/wiki/VSS-Layers-Concept Beste Grüße / Best regards, Daniel --- BMW Technology Office Israel Daniel Wilms Research Engineer phone: +972 54 34 20 806 mail: daniel.dw.wilms@bmwgroup.com<mailto:daniel.dw.wilms@bmwgroup.com> postal address: BMW Technology Office Israel Ltd 121 Menachem Begin Road LABS Mailbox numbers: 93-95 Tel Aviv Israel 8067318 From: Rudolf J Streif <rudolf.streif@ibeeto.com> Date: Wednesday, 22 January 2020 at 5:24 PM To: <Daniel.DW.Wilms@bmw.de>, <ulfbjorkengren@geotab.com> Cc: <gandersson@genivi.org>, <mfeuer1@jaguarlandrover.com>, <public-automotive@w3.org> Subject: Re: VSS Layers introduction >> The solution I see is to have two tools (heard that before;?), one that takes the existing vspec files+instantiation data, and generate >> two files - >> One that contains the complete, instantiated tree, including all metadata from the vspec files, >> One that contains the complete, instantiated tree, excluding all node metadata from the vspec files. >> The empty skeleton tree can then be populated with layers information, and then both files are fed to another tool that merges the >> two trees, and transforms it to other format(s). > I don’t see necessarily two kinds of tools, just another output of the parser. Like, instead of ‘make csv’ take ‘make layer-skeleton’. I agree. I don't even see why two different output files would be needed either if one is only a subset of the other. I really don't understand why this has to be so complicated and somewhat overengineered if we are already half-way there with the current implementation. Unless I am really missing something. What is the problem we are trying to solve beyond a method to add, remove, modify branches, nodes, attributes? Add and modify can already be done. Remove not. What does the instantiation feature do in the first place? And why is it necessary for a specification? Isn't that an implementation detail? :rjs On 1/22/20 5:32 AM, Daniel.DW.Wilms@bmw.de<mailto:Daniel.DW.Wilms@bmw.de> wrote: > The solution I see is to have two tools (heard that before;?), one that takes the existing vspec files+instantiation data, and generate > two files - > One that contains the complete, instantiated tree, including all metadata from the vspec files, > One that contains the complete, instantiated tree, excluding all node metadata from the vspec files. > The empty skeleton tree can then be populated with layers information, and then both files are fed to another tool that merges the > two trees, and transforms it to other format(s). I don’t see necessarily two kinds of tools, just another output of the parser. Like, instead of ‘make csv’ take ‘make layer-skeleton’. -- ----- Rudolf J Streif CEO/CTO ibeeto +1.855.442.3386 x700
Received on Tuesday, 11 February 2020 14:20:29 UTC