Re: Agenda

I think what Peter proposes in bullet 2 is a great idea, I believe it would
not only help the group to come to conclusions with focusing on a few
things at a time, it would also help in the writing of the spec with this
sort of focus.
Setting the scope to the two bullets a and b that Peter mentions, I think
we can have a Gen2 spec ready early next year. I commit as an editor to try
to reach that if we decide so.


On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 11:13 PM Winzell, Peter <>

> Hi All!
> Tomorrows agenda :
>    1. Reschedule of WG meeting
>    1. Here and back again
> I have had an idea that we perhaps should try I more “agile” approach to
> the spec work going forward. My proposal would then to for a first “sprint”
>  (don’t really think spring is an appropriate term for our group but in
> lack of anything better)
> Focusing on :
>    1. Adding HTTP to VISS(REST)
>    - This sprint we would limit our self to adding the HTTP protocol and
>    APIS (GET,SET,…)to the spec.
>    1. Reviewing VISS authorization/authentication of tokens and compare
>    that to VIWI
>    - What is missing in VISS and what can should be added.
> The gate criteria to move on to the next “sprint” would be to have these
> items added into the spec with full group consensus. I think we could
> benefit from working         on the spec one sprint at a time. Then when we
> feel that the spec is ready we submit.
>    1. Other VSS addtions (and/or how we should view VSS versions)
>       1. Vectors
>       2. Anything else…
>    1. Use Cases
>       1. First responder case Joakim S.
>       2. …
> Please feel to add items to the agenda.
> /pw

Ulf Bjorkengren
Senior Connectivity Strategist | Ph. D.
Mobile +45 53562142

Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2019 07:20:49 UTC