Merge vs. Rebase


I’m afraid, that Gunnars comment on Ulf’s PR gets lost, so I’ll post it here, as I strongly support the request:

I would like to propose, if the group accepts, that rebase (the option named rebase-and-merge in GitHub) is preferred over the merge option. Otherwise we end up in situations like the above, where the pull request itself has some local merges (how?), and basically 3 of the PR commits are merges themselves. This PR really only has 3 commits that propose new content, and 3 "useless" merge commits. It is messy and IMHO the commit content matters, but the PR references you get from a merge commit are only useful to keep while reviewing, and then immediately obsolete.

I think rebase is the much better option and I would change it in the github settings as the preferred methods, if there are no objections.

Beste Grüße / Best regards,

BMW Technology Office Israel
Daniel Wilms
Research Engineer

phone: +972 54 34 20 806

postal address:
BMW Technology Office Israel Ltd
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Received on Wednesday, 6 November 2019 12:07:16 UTC