Call reminder, note Daylight Savings Shift

We are entering... the Twilight Zone or whatever this nuisance of
different continents adjusting their clocks at different intervals.
Until EU updates their clocks we will be meeting one hour earlier and
for those who reside where they wisely don't go through this nonsense,
the shift an hour earlier will be in effect for you until the Fall. 

Our phone bridge, MIT Webex, is set to EDT (Eastern [North America]
Daylight Savings Time).

The call today is at 1700 EDT, 2100 GMT, 2200 CET, 0230 IST, 0500 CST,
0600 JST/KST, 1400 PDT

Ted Guild <>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 14:39:40 UTC