- From: Peter Winzell <Peter.Winzell@melcogot.com>
- Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 11:10:27 +0000
- To: "ta-hirabayashi@kddi.com" <ta-hirabayashi@kddi.com>, Paul Boyes <Paul.Boyes@inrix.com>
- CC: "ted@w3.org" <ted@w3.org>, public-automotive <public-automotive@w3.org>
Hi All! One question: If we have a f2f in July is then lisbon in september cancelled - i think it will be difficult to have obne f2f as early a september if we have one in July ? I also need a quick decision on this, since July is basically holiday season in Sweden. Br Peter Winzell ________________________________________ Från: ta-hirabayashi@kddi-ri.jp [ta-hirabayashi@kddi-ri.jp] Skickat: den 4 maj 2016 12:02 Till: Paul Boyes Cc: ted@w3.org; public-automotive Ämne: Re: Next F2F Hi, all I vote for July, too. The first half of July is better,in view of summer holiday rate of hotel and everyone's vacation plan. Any place is nice for me. Rudi's reply is personally very attractive, and very much appreciated. BTW, in Paris, we concluded some task forces would be newly set up. I am wondering if you could share your ideas about the following questions with everyone, members' bringing some materials and draft contents at the earliest opportunity(e.g. in July f2f). - How many parts does our spec consist of ? - Which part of spec can be separately standardized ? - Which part of spec will we keep the current timeline ? We, KDDI can fully support the conformance testing until March of 2017, but can hardly expect it after this timeline. As for ourselves, we have some reasons the current timeline in charter could not be so easily changed. Your understanding and cooperation would be appreciated in advance. Best regards, Tatsuhiko Hirabayashi, KDDI ----- Original Message ----- I vote for July in US either at JLR OSTC or MIT. Paul J. Boyes | INRIX | Director of Telematics and Standards - OpenCar | 206-276-9675 | paul.boyes@inrix.com<mailto:bryan@inrix.com> | www. inrix.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.inrix.com_&d=BQMFAg&c=QbuapHRvbn0JdC8vTVkPHg&r=PRAN7lum5Ra662QLho8LU3bhFjBvLXn3bBkFbW0Amjo&m=V5l0WXfOEJwhcE0JsN06mQ5SQhpXL-DuAuK3YcnTZoc&s=OqQVi_DcS5rv8or8hZdFvY0re6YF0Wl-_8okxrxOF0w&e=> On May 3, 2016, at 7:52 AM, Ted Guild <ted@w3.org<mailto:ted@w3.org>> wrote: We left unanswered the schedule for the next F2F in part because we wanted input from those who were not able to attend the last one. What probably would make the most sense is if people propose ideas, location and dates, in this mail thread and then we throw up a doodle survey to see which is likely to get the most participants. Last year we met in Seattle in July. July and August are difficult due to people tending to take vacations then. TPAC this year will be 19-23 September in Lisbon. Those who made the Sapporo TPAC appreciated the cross pollination with other W3C groups, increasing their awareness of automotive and activities we are interested in (WoT, Web Payments, Sensors, WebAppSec etc). https://www.w3.org/2016/09/TPAC/ I can also host a meeting at MIT in the June to August time period. http://www.csail.mit.edu/ -- Ted Guild <ted@w3.org> W3C Systems Team http://www.w3.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KDDI総研 平林 立彦 HIRABAYASHI Tatsuhiko Tel: 03-6678-1946(代表) Mobile: 080-5941-4506 Fax: 03-6678-0339 E-mail: ta-hirabayashi@kddi.com Address: 〒102‐8460 東京都千代田区飯田橋3-10-10 ガーデンエアタワー33階 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2016 11:39:25 UTC