Re: Switching our default branch to gh-pages

On Wed, 2016-01-27 at 08:39 -0500, Ted Guild wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-01-27 at 04:54 +0000, 이원석 wrote:
> > Hi. Ted.
 Do you think the latest publication of the group will be
> > showed as a W3C news in W3C web site? It would be nice if it will be.
> Working Drafts don't typically trigger a news item but I can ask.  

I discussed with our Head of Communications, outlining that we hadn't
published in awhile and the previous version was the First Public
Working Draft (FPWD). She is willing to have non-new news and asked what
we would like to highlight.  

During that conversation I was also thinking about the potentially
significant refactoring we have been discussing, influenced by the
Sensor API discussion.

What do we want to convey in such a news item?  This is likely the last
version before the redesign.

Ted Guild <>
W3C Systems Team

Received on Wednesday, 27 January 2016 13:49:45 UTC