Updated the Event-based example to explain it better and answer the
pending questions.
That said, I feel like it's seriously worth considering a lower level
WebSocket-ish/RESTful-ish API + JSON schema (or JSON-LD) on top of which
a JavaScript API could be specified or simply built and open-sourced
This follows the precepts of the Extensible Web Manifesto[1] and is the
desired way to build modern specs. It's also very much inline with the
suggestions of the TAG.
Such a solution would:
- come with authentification built-in.
- enable current usecases (infotainment system),
- open-up a slew of more advanced usecases (cars communicating to sync,
e.g. in convoys, pushing the data to the cloud for analysis, etc.),
- have an architecture similar to that of Web of Things (and could
probably be designed to be compatible with it).
- be very easy to extend.
On Tue, 9 Feb 2016, at 05:18, Paul Boyes wrote:
> Here is my quick attempt at summary of many of the issues raised in
> Issue 72:
> *Main Issue:*
> * DOM Events as opposed to or in addition to subscriptions
> * ondata versus subscribe
> * on change versus subscribe
> *AdamC’s Summary of Main Issue:*
> * Dedicated handlers for each property
> * vehicle.trip.onaveragespeedchange
> * * I don’t believe this will work in the case of setting a
> specific signal. You would have to have separate attribute for
> set and onchange which would get confusing.
> * Generic observers
> * vehicle.trip.averageSpeed.onchange
> * * May create lots of edge cases
> * Specific observers
> * vehicle.trip.averageSpeed.onaveragespeedchange
> * * Dramatically increase the quantity of APIs on vehicle
> * Existing pub sub
> * Not considered web friendly
> * * Inconsistent with other web technologies *_Urata-sans Summary
> with Pros and Cons:_* https://github.com/w3c/automotive/wiki
> *_Ancillary Issues:_*
> * complexity of zone
> * suffixing interfaces
> * Vehicle versus Sensors
> * Web socket or REST calls to expose vehicle data
> * Units
> Talk with you all tomorrow.
Paul J. Boyes
> --------------------------------
> Mobile: 206-276-9675
Skype: pauljboyes