We had a good meeting today. Thanks to everyone who attended. Here is a brief summary of the action items:
* Address all current issues in Github by our 7/7 phone meeting.
* Qing An and Wonsuk will be on point for merging specification changes/pull requests. All editors will work closely to assure that changes/pull requests are agreed upon. If necessary, Qing An and Wonsuk may delegate merging to other editors. We will see how this works and adjust as necessary moving forward.
* Hashimoto-san will lead Privacy and Security Task Force. He will start by setting up a wiki space and organize an initial call to help scope the work the group will be doing.
* The spec timetable was updated (https://www.w3.org/auto/wg/wiki/Main_Page#Publication_Schedule). LC and CR are now both Q1/2016. If you have issue with this please let the group know.
* Kevin Gavigan will provide use cases for Privacy and Security Task Force working with Hashimoto-san as to where to put them.
* F2F is approaching. Please register (https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/76043/20150728_29_F2F/) as soon as possible so we may get an appropriate sized room. Also, please provide feedback as to what you would like to see on the agenda.
Paul J. Boyes
Mobile: 206-276-9675
Skype: pauljboyes