IMPORTANT: Renaming Auto-WCAG to ACT Rules CG

Hello everyone,
Before the summer break, I send out an e-mail to the Auto-WCAG Community to
ask if they are open to the idea of rebranding the group. Since its
inception 4 years ago, the Auto-WCAG work has evolved significantly, and I
feel it no longer properly expressed the scope of what we are doing. I've
posted a poll, and from that and a followup discussion the following
proposal was reached:

*Full name: *Accessibility Conformance Testing Rules Community Group
*Shortened name: *ACT Rules CG

*Transition methods:*
A new community group will be created at the W3C. Members will be given 3
months to transition their membership over from the existing Auto-WCAG
group to the new ACT-Rules group. After this time the Auto-WCAG community
group will be closed. The Github work will be moved as well, either into a
new organisation or to the W3C organisation (to be determined).

*Call for consensus:*
Please respond to this e-mail if you have any objections to this plan. This
call ends on the 28th of October. Plans for the transition will be
discussed during the Auto-WCAG Face to face meeting in London on October 29
- 30th.

Kind regards

*Wilco Fiers*
Senior Accessibility Engineer - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair Auto-WCAG

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2018 12:59:25 UTC