Re: Rebranding Auto-WCAG??

I'd be in favor of re-branding it so that it doesn't sound like it's 
about automobiles.

Based on informal observation, somewhere around... 100% ... of the 
people that I talk with about this work misunderstand the focus, when 
first hearing about it.

At almost every presentation I do, I hear from people interested in 
improving accessibility testing, who weren't aware of this group, or who 
had heard of it but weren't aware that the group is relevant to their 

- Judy

On 6/22/2018 11:07 AM, Emma Pratt Richens wrote:
> Out of the loop a bit, but wondering if this is because some of the 
> rules cover manual tests?
> In an ideal future world… where machines can be taught to make 
> reasonable judgements on whether or not alt text is acceptable, or 
> colour contrast of a gradient text on top of an image background is 
> OK… I would envisage all or most of the tests being automated. And 
> while that isn’t yet possible, the rules can help and support manual 
> testing and better understanding of the guidelines.
> From that point of view, I’m OK with keeping the name.
> Curious to hear other points of view though,
> E
> -- -- --
> *Emma J Pratt Richens*, Senior Accessibility Specialist
> BBC D&E UX&D, MediaCityUK, @EmmaJ_PR <>
> /"Open your eyes and then open your eyes again.”/
> From: Wilco Fiers < <>>
> Date: Friday, 22 June 2018 at 11:42
> To: " <>" 
> < <>>
> Subject: Rebranding Auto-WCAG??
> Resent-From: < <>>
> Resent-Date: Friday, 22 June 2018 at 11:43
> Hey all,
> I wanted to get some thoughts on this. Auto-WCAG was originally 
> conceived with the intent to write rules for automated tools, and for 
> semi-automated tools. Those were two separate categories that we'd 
> write separate rules for. With the ACT Rules Format evolving the way 
> it did, this distinction has largely gone away. This begs the question 
> of: Should we remain the Auto-WCAG community group, or is this name no 
> longer representative enough of our work that we should rebrand?
> I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Should we rename the group, and if 
> we do, what should our new name be?
> -- 
> *Wilco Fiers*
> Senior Accessibility Engineer - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair Auto-WCAG

Received on Friday, 22 June 2018 17:32:44 UTC