Re: Minutes Auto-WCAG retrospective JeanKap

You’re welcome! Sorry I didn’t capture those 2 points. Especially the first
one. GitHub is definitely a challenge for many people. Even people who have
a background working with source control. I’ve only started to “get it” by
working on W3 content. Working at Deque is helping me gain experience
required to keep “getting it.”

I find GH to be one of those technologies that you really do have to use
regularly to gain comfort with the system.

Jean Kaplansky | Technical Writer | 518-581-7193

Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 7:41 AM Gian Wild <> wrote:

> Great meeting minutes!
> My only added comment is that I think we need to be very clear on what our
> relationship to the ACT Group.
> Oh and I do find it very hard to use Github which has definitely
> constrained my participation.
> Cheers
> Gian
> Get Outlook for iOS <>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Wilco Fiers <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 5, 2018 2:04:50 AM
> *To:* Auto-WCAG List
> *Subject:* Minutes Auto-WCAG retrospective
> For those of you who missed it, here are the minutes:
> Present: Wilco, Jean, Jey, Leon, Shadi, Emma, Anne
> [16:06] <Wilco>
> [16:06] <Wilco>
> [16:07] <anne_thyme>
> [16:07] <JeanKaplansky> Review process isn't helping us the way we had
> hoped. What should we be doing better? We have 13 PR's right now that are
> sitting without action.
> [16:07] <JeanKaplansky> Also attending - Anne.
> [16:08] <JeanKaplansky> GitHub is not the easiest thing to understand with
> all the different stages and terms involved between GitHub tech. and W3C
> workflow process. Very hard to track specific rules in the workflow.
> [16:09] <anne_thyme>
> [16:09] <JeanKaplansky> Suggestion - 1 PR per rule, use GitHub projects to
> track the rule via kanban boards ^^^
> [16:10] <JeanKaplansky> Nothing can be automated because each stage
> requires a new pull request as a gate to go forward. Too many gates in
> current workflow - issue, draft stage, current stage, review, final. Bottom
> line, simplification is a good idea.
> [16:10] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco: What should a simplified workflow look like.
> [16:11] <JeanKaplansky> See Anne's links.
> [16:12] <JeanKaplansky> Essentially removing draft stage, and PR's are
> being filed before all the comments in a draft are integrated. Final stage
> to Review stage loop is not working as originally intended. Too many
> iterations and stuff is still missing from final iteration.
> [16:13] <JeanKaplansky> I _think_ I just set myself to scribe.
> [16:14] <JeanKaplansky> Jey shows Kanban screen in GitHub...
> [16:14] <JeanKaplansky> We may be able to do some things with the columns
> to enable automation. Jey live demos potentials - new project in GH. GH
> starts with a default 3-col process.
> [16:16] <JeanKaplansky> To-do, In-Progress,  - automation can be managed
> for these 3 columns via presets. If we can marry the presets to the new
> process... we should be able to solve this. The nice thing about going in
> this direction means that we can sort cards within a stage, and use labels
> for other forms of sort.
> [16:17] <JeanKaplansky> Jey: We should try this with automation - it's
> possible. New columns can be automated through the automation presets.
> [16:18] <JeanKaplansky> Automation rules don't preclude more than 3
> columns. We need to reconfigure our existing Kanban to watch the status and
> use the automation presets. The current process requires whomever is
> working on the ticket to manually move cards around (and that's not
> happening consistently).
> [16:18] <JeanKaplansky> Understand what we want and reverse engineer into
> our workflow.
> [16:19] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco: Based on this - no problem with dropping
> the draft stage. The reason we have a draft stage is we found that relying
> on PR's mean issues stay open for a very long time. However, with the rate
> things are moving at right now, it's not as much of a problem anymore
> because we're pushing rules through the process more efficiently.
> [16:20] <JeanKaplansky> The current process did speed up the rate at which
> we handle rules (note).
> [16:21] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco added a "reviewer wanted" label to tag
> issues that are missing 2-3 reviewers in order to move forward.
> [16:22] <JeanKaplansky> Automation on GH boards do not offer printing the
> labels - some sort of customization script is required to make a custom
> label move forward. We need at least 3 people are reviewers in order to
> properly assign reviewers which enables the group to see the status of
> stuff in review.
> [16:23] <JeanKaplansky> We want 2-3 reviewers to look at an issue even if
> the first reviewer requests changes.
> [16:23] <JeanKaplansky> Do we lose reviewers when changes are made?
> [16:23] <JeanKaplansky> What if changes are made that invalidate either
> the original rule, or comments from other people? This requires another
> round of review to shake everything out.
> [16:24] <JeanKaplansky> If you sign up to review a rule, you're a reviewer
> on that rule until it's done.
> [16:24] <JeanKaplansky> Everything should loop from Work In Progress/In
> Review until the rule author has incorporated ALL of the comments to
> finalize state to a PR.
> [16:25] <JeanKaplansky> "Reviewer Wanted" we want 3 people to commit to
> following through.
> [16:25] <JeanKaplansky> "Review Required" means that we need the reviewers
> to revisit.
> [16:26] <JeanKaplansky> Should labels exist for "Review Again" or "Back to
> the Drawing Board"?
> [16:26] <JeanKaplansky> There is a "Changes requested" label.
> [16:26] <JeanKaplansky> The automation trigger for getting something out
> of review is when someone addresses a comment and acknowledges it within GH.
> [16:27] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco: Alright. Rough idea of where we want to go..
> Hopefully this resolves the difference in process between definitions and
> rules. So... Who's going to take this and implement it?
> [16:27] <JeanKaplansky> Jey: Volunteers. Anne to work with Jey to build
> prototype.
> [16:28] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco: now that we're starting to use more
> advanced GH features, we need better documentation.
> [16:28] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco: Jean - can you REVIEW documentation? Jean:
> Yes.
> [16:28] <JeanKaplansky> Shadi - I can help... Not sure the best way...
> [16:29] <JeanKaplansky> We lost Shadi's audio.
> [16:29] <JeanKaplansky> Emma has joined.
> [16:29] <JeanKaplansky> (note to self. Look up the Zakim commands if I do
> this again.)
> [16:30] <JeanKaplansky> We need to move on to next topic until Shadi
> rejoins.
> [16:31] <JeanKaplansky> Emma - what's the difference between definitions
> and rules? Wilco: algorithms used to describe how to share process between
> rules. We want to rename stuff that is shared between rules "definitions"..
> [16:31] <JeanKaplansky> Moving on... REBRANDING!!!
> [16:32] <JeanKaplansky> Email conversation in progress. Auto-WCAG is no
> longer as focused on automation as we used to be. Rules format no longer
> cares if something is automated or manual or hybrid. We're no longer
> writing explicitly writing steps for a tool developer to implement re: what
> should fail and what should pass.
> [16:33] * shadi agreed to helping with documentation -- was that audible
> before my network kicked me out again?
> [16:33] <JeanKaplansky> We keep walking into this problem in which people
> outside the group think that we are entirely focused on automation. That's
> limiting because the rules we're putting out is more of a harmonization
> effort that can help anyone implement a rule in a harmonized manner, not
> necessarily an automated manner.
> [16:34] <JeanKaplansky> Shadi returns: Happy to help with GH documentation.
> [16:35] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco: Suggestions for potential name changes...
> Testing, some people were thinking a11y-testing or WCAG-testing. Someone
> suggested QA. Makoto's WCAG-Testing CG got a lot of votes. Shadi made the
> point that WCAG is kind of implied. Emma makes point that WCAG is a
> specification and accessibility may encompass far more than WCAG.
> [16:36] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco: Are we truly limited to WCAG? Do we even
> want to rename the group? (Going by the emails pretty much everyone said
> yes... except Emma)
> [16:36] <JeanKaplansky> Emma was thinking in context of the long-term goal
> - if it's automation then we should stick with automation.
> [16:37] <JeanKaplansky> However, if it's no longer automation, then
> clarifying the name is not necessarily a bad thing to do.
> [16:38] <JeanKaplansky> W3C small print: We cannot change the name. We
> would have to close down the Auto-WCAG group officially and start a whole
> new group with the new name. Do we really want to change? What's the real
> benefit? Is it worth the work? We could potentially lose people...
> [16:39] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco: Do we REALLY need to start a new group, or
> can we rebrand while keeping the same web page on the W3?
> [16:39] <JeanKaplansky> (most people lost to such a change may not have
> been fully engaged in participation)
> [16:40] <JeanKaplansky> Shadi needs to think about the rebranding. Wilco
> doesn't want to close the group - seems like a painful process and a lot of
> work and a lot of cat-herding to get people to move to the new group.
> [16:40] <JeanKaplansky> Shadi - if you're OK with keeping the URLs and the
> mailing list names, then Shadi can ask if we can change the headings and
> descriptions of the groups in place.
> [16:41] <JeanKaplansky> BUT... it will be confusing to go to auto-wcag
> group, and then seeing something that describes something else. Emma wants
> to keep WCAG in the name.
> [16:46] <JeanKaplansky> Keeping WCAG in the group name means we stick to
> WCAG only. Does this exclude the W3 EPUB contextual descriptions? Jean: No.
> W3 Publishing Group is supposed to be WCAG-compliant. Just WCAG-compliant
> with a particular context in mind.
> [16:47] <EmmaJPR> Doing something like changing the name online to
> Automated WCAG Conformance Testing CG ... could allow keeping the existing
> URL and CG website, but clarify purpose and connect with ACT TF name.
> [16:48] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco: Sounds like we want auto-wcag name to go
> away. Shadi to look into the "rebranding" question. we don't currently know
> if rebranding is possible. a 3rd option is to close this group and start a
> new group and take on all the work that goes with opening a new group.
> [16:48] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco lists potential names for a survey that he
> will build with Shadi to send out to the group.
> [16:49] <JeanKaplansky> (See public email list for a collection of
> potential names suggested.)
> [16:49] <Wilco> A) Auto-WCAG (unchanged) B) ACT Rules CG C) WCAG Testing
> CG D) WCAG ACT Rules CG E) Accessibility Testing CG
> [16:52] <JeanKaplansky> Do we want to allow for other groups that test
> accessibility to have names that include accessibility? Will using the word
> "accessibility" preclude something like DPUB W3 efforts to create
> context-specific testing? Shadi - WCAG-ACT-Rules CG. This means that we can
> have a DPUG-ACT-Rules CG...
> [16:52] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco: are you objecting to some of the
> suggestions?
> [16:54] <JeanKaplansky> Shadi: I heard objections to ACT-rules and other
> various names. We want to make it clear in some way that this is
> WCAG-ACT... Wilco: This narrows the scope significantly though. This puts
> us out of Silver. Ties us specifically to writing rules? Doesn't this mean
> that we would need a new Silver-Testing group later on? Does ACT have
> agreement on how narrow or broad this group should be?
> [16:55] <JeanKaplansky> Also include in survey -  potential risks
> including name confusion and scope of the group.
> [16:55] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco: Publishing Rules to W3.
> [16:56] <JeanKaplansky> Auto-WCAG rules were published by W3. It's Wilco's
> hope to move the work to W3 to make this part of the standard W3 ecosystem
> - as in take the work coming out of the CG and making it more "official".
> [16:58] <JeanKaplansky> HOWEVER... going in this direction means new
> requirements. More W3 process. Techniques may be affected - they may need
> to become part of the rule. None of this can be normative. Jean: What's the
> point of taking the rules out of the CG if none of this can be normative.
> Wilco: It makes it more official and part of WCAG instead of in addition to
> [17:00] <JeanKaplansky> Emma - Auto-WCAG - trying to standardize the way
> testing is done against a set of guidelines. We are focused on WCAG right
> now. We are trying to standardize the way testing is done to conform to
> those guidelines. Does the rationale or approach - why something passes or
> fails - shouldn't this be in the guidelines? The reason that something does
> or doesn't conform to a guideline exist in the rules, or is it OK to leave
> guidelines-like infor[CUT]
> [17:02] <JeanKaplansky> Shadi - Auto-wcag - or any CG - can do whatever
> they want. Tomorrow, this group can meet and change the process, etc. This
> is the difference between a WG and a CG. The WG has a very set process.
> However, this group is turning out high quality rules. The WG can
> definitely "bless" any of our rules - however, from that point on, the rule
> enters the WG process realm. Approved rules must be frozen and marked
> "approved by the WG."
> [17:03] <JeanKaplansky> The rules do reference stuff from the WG
> guidelines though.
> [17:04] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco wants to explore replacing the "failure
> techniques" in WCAG with rules. The rules are very different though.
> [17:04] <JeanKaplansky> Jean: The scribe has a hard-stop...
> [17:04] <JeanKaplansky> Wilco ends meeting.
> --
> *Wilco Fiers*
> Senior Accessibility Engineer - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair Auto-WCAG

Received on Friday, 6 July 2018 18:16:03 UTC