- From: Alistair Garrison <alistair.garrison@ssbbartgroup.com>
- Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2017 14:49:46 +0000
- To: Wilco Fiers <wilco.fiers@deque.com>
- CC: Auto-WCAG List <public-auto-wcag@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <C5D86B37-1ED5-4A4D-969A-D677ABB91C81@ssbbartgroup.com>
Regrets from me. All the best Alistair From: John Hicks <jwjhix@gmail.com> Date: Thursday, 9 March 2017 at 14:41 To: Wilco Fiers <wilco.fiers@deque.com> Cc: Auto-WCAG List <public-auto-wcag@w3.org> Subject: Re: Auto-WCAG Meeting, Thursday (7 March) Resent-From: <public-auto-wcag@w3.org> Resent-Date: Thursday, 9 March 2017 at 14:41 Wilco! I am definitely connecting but in an open space and mostly as spectator (contributions by IRC) won't be able to interact verbally much On 7 March 2017 at 11:31, Wilco Fiers <wilco.fiers@deque.com<mailto:wilco.fiers@deque.com>> wrote: Hello again everyone! This Thursday (March 7) we're going to have another one of our monthly Auto-WCAG telcos. I hope you'll all be able to attend again. Please review the GitHub issues on the agenda before the meeting. The meeting will be from 16:00 CEST to 17:30 CEST. See http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Auto-WCAG+Rule+design&iso=20170307T16&p1=16&ah=1&am=30 for your local time. To join the meeting online, go to: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m5a9a1f7eedb51bddd4b8939294813ecb Meeting number: 644 204 080 Password: Ask in IRC You can also dial in by phone +1-617-324-0000<tel:(617)%20324-0000> Join us on IRC at irc.w3.org/?channels=#auto-wcag<http://irc.w3.org/?channels=#auto-wcag> Agenda ------ - Rule: Color contrast 1.4.3 - Rob, Emma https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/27 - SC1-1-1 Rule breakup - Wilco, Mark https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/29/files?diff=unified - Decorative Images : https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/blob/111-update/_drafts/SC1-1-1-decorative-images.md - Informative Images : https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/blob/111-update/_drafts/SC1-1-1-informative-images.md - Content : https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/blob/111-update/pages/algorithms/content.md - Interactive elements : https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/blob/111-update/pages/algorithms/interactive-element.md - Rule: p-as-heading https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/22 - Next meeting: April 13th Regards, -- Wilco Fiers Senior Accessibility Engineer - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair Auto-WCAG [cid:image001.gif@01D298E4.643F2130]
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Received on Thursday, 9 March 2017 14:50:21 UTC