EARL and Manual rules

Hey everyone!

Earlier this afternoon I sent out the agenda for Auto-WCAG this Thursday.
We've got two topics on the agenda, the EARL update (w3.org/WAI/intro/earl),
and manual rules, which I want to elaborate on a little bit.

As some of you may know, the W3C, together with a number of European
partners, has started the WAI-Tools project (w3.org/WAI/Tools). This EU
funded project will be contributing several new automated and
semi-automated rules to the Auto-WCAG Community. In addition to these,
there are a number of other activities for which we need to find a suitable
forum. You guessed it, development of an EARL update, and the creation of
manual rules.

So the question to the group will be if we might be interested in extending
our scope to include manual rules and/or an update to EARL. If you're
unable to make it to the call, please just drop me a few lines and I'll
take it into consideration.


*Wilco Fiers*
Senior Accessibility Engineer - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair Auto-WCAG

Received on Tuesday, 12 December 2017 15:50:56 UTC