Re: Next week, Homework for Auto-WCAG

My regrets, will be traveling.

Warm regards,

Charu Pandhi
Accesibility Tooling and Automation lead
IBM Accessibility Research
 (512) 286 6370, T/L 363 6370
      Vice President, SWE Southwest Texas

From:   Wilco Fiers <>
To:     Auto-WCAG List <>
Date:   10/21/2016 03:12 AM
Subject:        Next week, Homework for Auto-WCAG

Hi everyone!

Just a friendly reminder that next Thursday will be another Auto-WCAG 
meeting. Please send in your work for this month as a pull request to 
Github. And just as a reminder, open actions for this month were:

Action: Wilco, fix the rules website
Action: Alister, David: Propose an alternative for rule aggregation
Action: Frank, work out an example implementation of validation tests 
Action: Wilco, Update the rule template


Wilco Fiers - Senior Accessibility Engineer

Received on Friday, 21 October 2016 20:36:02 UTC