Introduction + EPUB a11y checker

Hi Auto WCAG,

I've just joined the CG, so please let me introduce myself: I'm Romain Deltour, doing standards and software development for the DAISY Consortium [1]. I'm a member of IDPF's EPUB WG and W3C's Digital Publishing IG. I'm also a contributor to EpubCheck, IDPF's EPUB conformance checker.

We just launched a DAISY project to improve the state of accessibility in EPUB (you can find more background info in EPUB Zone's report on our kick-off EPUB accessibility summit held in Baltimore last months [2]).
One of the deliverables is to develop an open-source accessibility checking tool for EPUB, along with a set of documentation on how to perform accessibility checks.

For those who aren't familiar with EPUB, it's an open specification for digital publishing largely based on Web standards. Most of WCAG is applicable.

Needless to say, we're highly interested in the work of Auto WCAG :-)
It's too early for the technical details, but our tool will very likely rely on one of the existing open-source web accessibility checkers, following Auto WCAG tests as closely as possible.

By joining the Auto WCAG CG I'm willing to help and contribute to move this work forward, including in a future WG. I'm especially interested in exploring how all this can be applied to digital publishing.

Best regards,


Romain Deltour – @rdeltour
Software and standards development
The DAISY Consortium

Received on Monday, 21 March 2016 11:32:35 UTC